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How to become a Ham

In India any citizen with an interest in the subject can become a Ham. In fact, anybody above 12 years can become a ham radio operator after passing a qualifying examination. In India Amateur Station Operator's Certicifate (ASOC) examination is conducted by the Wireless Planning and Coordination (WPC) Wing of Ministry of Communications, at any of the Monitoring Stations around the country.

Passing the ASOC examination entitles the candidate to get a communication licence and a call-sign. Call-sign is a set of letters which uniquely identifies each ham operator in the world.

For example my call-sign is VU3PRX. Here the first two character "VU" stands for India. Every Indian call-sign start with prefix "VU". Some of the prefixes are Sri Lanka 4S, Pakistan AP, Russia RA, Indonesia YC, South Africa ZS, France F6. The number stands for Grade of licence and "PRX" is identification given to my station.

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