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Getting Listed

On one side are the search engines, who on one hand want to have as many listings as possible because having more listings allows them to advertise themselves as the Best Search Engine, and attract more visitors.... thereby creating more traffic on their site, and ultimately more advertising revenue, which is, in most cases their ultimate goal. However, simply having more listings isn't the whole picture. They need to have more quality listings so that the people that come to their engine feel that, when they do a keyword search, they get good results. If the users get good results, they will be more inclined to use that engine more often, thereby creating more traffic and more advertising revenue. So one can easily see that the engines don't want to index 'junk pages' full of misleading content.

On the other side of thecontroversy are the webmasters who want to be number one in whatever search applies to them. Naturally they want to do whatever it takes to get a good position in a keyword search that is relative to what they have to offer. After all, so many people use search engines to find content, that getting a high ranking position on a keyword search that one might use when looking for your product is excellent free advertising.

You should start by designing a website that is very content-rich. You should have lots of links and lots of text. The text should be very relevant to the subject that you want people to search for. Your text should be very descriptive. If you are going to use product logos, be sure to also have the names in simple text on the pages. You should make sure the titles of your pages contain the words that you want people to search for. Make your website very informative. Don't use small text or hidden text. The search engines will catch these things and think you are trying to trick them. Don't use the same keywords over and over. This will be caught as well. Submit to as many sites as possible with AddWeb as some of the engines will give you a better rank if they have lots of other sites in their database with links to your site. Lastly, be patient. It can take months and months to get on some of the engines.

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